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Livy Lynn is SIX years old!! This girl is full of life and brings joy and excitement to everyone around her. From the moment she wakes up at 6am until she crashes hard at 8pm she is a ball of furious energy. She can keep up with Jaxon’s physical play, will craft/color all day with Avery, and mothers Ansley like she’s 16, not 6. Liv is happy to do anything EXCEPT watch TV. She told me, “cleaning is more fun than watching TV.” This girl is known as the “mother hen” of her classroom - keeping her friends’ folders and pencils boxes clean and organized, and helping with any little job she can…she’d probably teach the class too if they let her. Sarcasm is her love language. If she catches even a hint of sarcasm in your voice she will jump in full throttle and cross the line of appropriateness….every single time. She still misuses pronouns regularly, which has made memorizing poems for school quite a challenge: Little Bo Peep’s sheep were “wagging ‘dem tails behind them.” And Ole King Cole “called for him’s pipe.” This girl has a way of charming all who meet her, but she doesn’t always return the favor. She is selective with her friendships, but once you’re in, YOU’RE IN. For good. Alivia is a loyal friend, a responsible and hard worker, and is always up for a good time. We are so thankful for this girl and the joy she brings to our family. 🤍